6 Days 5 Nights
Mt. Kilimanjaro
This popular route is also known as the “Whiskey” route. It is the second most popular and one of the most scenic routes on mount Kilimanjaro. All climbers sleep in tents (tents, sleeping pads and sleeping bags are provided), and meals are served in a dinner tent or on a blanket outside. The trek is done over 6 days. It is for physically fit people with some hiking experience. Descent is down the Mweka trail, with a stay at the Mweka or Millennium camp on the final night on the mountain.
When is the best time to visit?
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<div class="rPeykc" data-hveid="CAQQAQ" data-ved="2ahUKEwiw2r_DvfyJAxVKU6QEHcMADHEQo_EKegQIBBAB">The best time to visit Mount Kilimanjaro is <mark class="QVRyCf">during the dry season, which is from December to mid-March and from mid-June to October</mark>. During these months, you can expect favorable weather conditions, clear skies, and little to no rain. However, it's important to note that weather can change dramatically at any time of year.<span class="UV3uM"> </span>
<div class="NPrrbc" data-cid="861b2f48-0acd-4b21-8d03-ba9596362375">
<div class="BMebGe btku5b fCrZyc LwdV0e FR7ZSc OJeuxf" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="View related links" data-hveid="CAkQAQ" data-ved="2ahUKEwiw2r_DvfyJAxVKU6QEHcMADHEQ3fYKegQICRAB">
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<div class="rPeykc uP58nb" data-hveid="CA8QAQ" data-ved="2ahUKEwiw2r_DvfyJAxVKU6QEHcMADHEQo_EKegQIDxAB"><span role="heading" aria-level="2">Here are some things to consider when planning your visit:</span></div>
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<div class="Gur8Ad"><strong>Crowds</strong></div>
<div class="vM0jzc">The months of June to October are Kilimanjaro's busiest season because they coincide with summer holidays in Europe and North America. If you want to avoid the crowds, you can try climbing in December to March.<span class="UV3uM"> </span>
<div class="NPrrbc" data-cid="be9e8a57-0491-4463-a55e-151868939b31">
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<div class="Gur8Ad"><strong>Summit temperature</strong></div>
<div class="vM0jzc">The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is coldest during the long dry season, with June and July having the meanest conditions. Summiting attempts usually start at midnight to reach Uhuru Peak by dawn, when temperatures can drop to -20°C/-4°F.<span class="UV3uM"> </span>
<div class="NPrrbc" data-cid="26bfe70d-8384-47ae-bbd7-029d83d32447">
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<div class="Gur8Ad"><strong>Full moon</strong></div>
<div class="vM0jzc">Some climbers prefer to summit during a full moon because the moonlight makes it easier to see, especially on the final ascent to Uhuru Peak. The vistas are also breathtaking as the moon illuminates the glaciers.<span class="UV3uM"> </span>
<div class="NPrrbc" data-cid="81a7001f-ade0-4fa4-8d58-7f6d779eaadc">
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<div class="Gur8Ad"><strong>New moon</strong></div>
<div class="vM0jzc">Another option is to climb over a new moon when the light reflected from the moon to the Earth is at its lowest, allowing you to see the stars at their best.<span class="UV3uM"> </span>
<div class="NPrrbc" data-cid="25d37644-4901-4605-adcd-5ff18f90db5e">
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<div class="rPeykc" data-hveid="CCUQAQ" data-ved="2ahUKEwiw2r_DvfyJAxVKU6QEHcMADHEQo_EKegQIJRAB">You should avoid November and March-April, which are the main rainy seasons. During these months, the paths through the forest will be slick and the routes up to the peak will be covered with snow</div>